Truth is the beginning of wisdom…


Posted by straight shooter on June 1, 2009 under General, Religion, Terrorism

The government limits Christianity in prisons but by all means let Islam do what it wants !

Last week, the FBI arrested four members of a would-be terrorist cell in New York.  While the arrests eliminated the immediate threat from this particular group, it highlighted a much bigger threat: the spawning of terrorism in American prisons.

The four men, allegedly angered by the deaths of Muslims in Afghanistan, had planned to bomb several synagogues in the Bronx and shoot down a military plane using a Stinger missile.  Thankfully the plastic explosives and the Stinger missile they planned on using were fake because the FBI, acting on a tip from another member of their mosque had penetrated the cell and sold them fake goods and foiled the plot.

Maybe these terrorists were not in the know weapon-wise but their rage was well-developed.  Their leader considered Jews “the source of all problems in America.”  They “wanted to make a statement” by targeting synagogues and destroying military aircraft.

What is more frightening than their rage is the fact that there are potentially a lot more of them where they came from … our prisons.  At least two of the terror suspects converted to radical Islam while in prison, while the other two were also the product of what is called “jailhouse Islam.”

An NYPD report, entitled Radicalization in the West: The Homegrown Threat, concludes that in-prison conversions to Islam “fuel anger towards the United States.”  Part of the reason is that the men doing the converting are often angry and resentful and looking for someone to blame for their predicament so they pass that anger on.  Most of it though has to do with the kind of Islam being preached in American prisons since in many American prisons, prisoners learn about Islam from other prisoners.  These prisoners, in turn, rely on reading material targeted at prisoners and their resentments as the book called The Noble Koran does.

This version of the Koran, distributed by a Wahhabi group, included “numerous interpolations” not present in the original Arabic.  It includes a 22-page appendix entitled “A Call to Jihad” urging “war against non-Muslims who have not submitted to Islamic rule.”  Other literature from the same group told prisoners that non-Islamic government “must be sincerely hated and despised for the pleasure of Allah.”

While some prison systems have banned this group’s literature, others haven’t.  The effect of this literature on angry and, in many cases, unstable men isn’t hard to imagine … as the events in New York remind us, we don’t have to imagine it.

What’s the answer?  For starters, officials should crack down on the purveyors of radical Islam in our prisons.  That kind of literature and the message it spreads have no business in our prisons.  They should focus on the problem … Islam … not religion in general because that would kick out Christianity – the only thing that can really help the prisoners because it brings the life-changing Gospel of Jesus Christ into prisons across America.

The fact of the matter is that prisoners are looking for solutions to their problems.  And they will find one in drugs, or gangs, or even in hate-filled jihadism and Stinger missiles.  They need to be offered the only solution that will work … forgiveness of their sins, and transformation through Jesus Christ.