Truth is the beginning of wisdom…

Archive for the ‘Immigration’ Category


F o r m e r   C o m m u n i s t

Dear Fellow American,

Barack Obama and the socialist leadership in Congress are working furiously to change America!  They want to transform our nation and they’re spending trillions of tax dollars to do it.

I am not talking about the type of misery Jimmy Carter inflicted on our nation.  Conservatives were able to reverse the course Carter had put us on.  But what we’re seeing today isn’t like anything you and I have ever seen!  I’m talking about a whole scale, radical transformation of our nation.  From our national defense to our foreign policy to our free market economic system.  Obama and company have implemented and have plans to further implement massive government control over each of us.

Americans – your friends and neighbors – do not fully realize the radical changes Barack Obama and the socialists in Congress are foisting upon our way of life!

But you do. And I do as well. Today the Obamaites, George Soros, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Rahm Emanuel, Harry Reid – the small but powerful group of left-wing radicals who are at the controls of this transformation are all disciples of the 1960s radical Saul Alinsky. Alinsky’s book, Rules for Radicals, was the Little Red Book for the college radicals of the 1960s. I know, I was one of them.

I understand better than most Alinsky’s deep, deep hatred of America. A hate that ran so deep he wrote a blueprint for tearing our nation down. And while I outgrew and repented my anti-Americanism and came to see how great and generous our country is, many agents of the radical left never grew up.  In fact, today many of them are leaders in Congress and in our White House, all embracing Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals – the road map for turning our nation upside down.

With every passing day we see what lays behind the Administration’s piecemeal efforts to take over the car makers, the banks and the health care system: creating a new America that will bear little resemblance to the country in which we grew up.  You and I must counter this. The Freedom Center willingly takes on the Paul Revere role.  We have a massive media blitz planned detailing precisely the radical transformation we’re undergoing.

I am writing a new booklet that I must blanket on college campuses as the new school year starts.  This booklet – “Alinsky’s Rules for Obama’s Radicalism” – paints a clear picture of Barack Obama’s agenda for our nation.  And we have prepared an advertisement to run in papers around the country calling on Americans to derail this train before it’s too late.


David Horowitz

President & Founder of the Freedom Center

P.S. The idea that the disciples of Saul Alinsky – a man who so hated America he detailed a plan to tear it apart – are running our nation is hard to swallow. But the facts bear it out. Stand with me and the Freedom Center as we ride like Paul Revere across the nation and sound the alarm!

President Ronald Reagan passed away in 2004, but he said something that still resonates today. Reagan said: “One of the traditional methods of imposing statism or socialism on a people has been by way of medicine. It’s very easy to disguise a medical program as a humanitarian project. Most people are a little reluctant to oppose anything that suggests medical care for people who possibly can’t afford it.”

Boy does that resonate! It sounds like President Reagan had the foresight to see the dangers of Obamacare.

Even more amazing is that Ronald Reagan spoke those words in 1961, before he ever ran for office. But Reagan’s comments are not surprising if you understand liberalism.

Creating a national health care system has been a major priority for the left wing for over 50 years! Time and again the Congress and the American people have rejected socialized medicine. Now Obama is pushing for a radical takeover of one-sixth of the U.S. economy. But Obama is perhaps the most clever liberal ever. He knows the American people would never go for a national system like they have in Britain or Canada. So his plan calls for several steps prior to the Obamacare push to become a reality.

First, Obama lies and tells people “you keep your doctor, you keep your insurer.” At the same time he creates a “public option” – allowing any business to move its employees into the public system. He knows this will create a mass exodus from private insurers to the cheaper, taxpayer heavily subsidized public system. Meanwhile, he plans to add 40-50 million new patients – including illegal aliens – to the system.

Reagan understood that schemes like Obama’s are not about providing quality health care. It is about statism. It is about government control and dependence. It is a threat to your freedom.

There is a major assault being planned at this coming called full session of Congress. Obama is not calling this session to offer compromise. He plans on using his national address to Congress as a giant pep rally to ram his radical program through Congress. He wants the hoopla of a Congressional speech to overshadow his plummeting poll numbers, the mass protests we saw this summer at town halls across the nation and the growing anger toward his plan by Seniors. Nancy Pelosi stated unequivocally Congress will pass the Obamacare plan with the “public option” or whatever name it may be changed to by then but still the same animal. Any report of a compromise is just a stall maneuver by the Democrat’s far left agenda.

The American Voters can’t go on vacation. We can’t compromise with Obama and the radical Democrats. We need to fight back. Strike a blow for freedom, to stand with the principles of Ronald Reagan. We must hit the ground running after Labor Day.

The ranking Republican on the House Subcommittee on Immigration says Democrats have refused to pass an amendment that would prevent illegal aliens from being covered in the Obama healthcare plan.

Democrats recently defeated a Republican-backed amendment offered by Rep. Dean Heller (R-Nevada) that would have prevented illegal immigrants from receiving government-subsidized healthcare under the proposed plan backed by House Democrats and President Obama.

Congressman Steve King (R-Iowa), the ranking member on the House Immigration Subcommittee, finds it outrageous that Democrats want to force hardworking Americans to foot the healthcare bill for those who are in the country illegally, complete with all the pre-existing conditions that would require treatment.

“The Democrats will not even allow an amendment to be debated on the subject matter. They have shut down the debate process here, and they have pushed any discussion – however minimal it is – up to the secret room up in the Rules Committee. They’re not going to debate it,” he points out. “They are determined to fund health insurance and healthcare for illegals – and the number turns out to be 5.6 million that would be insured under this bill. [Those are] Congressional Budget Office numbers.” That is even a low ball estimate as it is pushing 20 million from other reports.


Posted by straight shooter on July 29, 2009 under General, Immigration, Terrorism

Gym, Geometry or Jihad?

A group of Virginians who are outraged about the plans to expand a Muslim school may have just gotten the ammunition they need to block the project. The Academy, whose activities were suspicious enough to warrant an investigation by a federal commission, has been incredibly controversial since its doors opened. After last year, the U.S. panel actually recommended the school, which is funded entirely by the Saudi Arabian government, be closed. Among other things, reporters found that the textbooks encouraged Muslims to kill adulterers and converts from Islam. According to curriculum obtained by MSNBC in 2008, the Islamic Saudi Academy has been a breeding ground for terrorists. School officials have denied the claims, but that may prove difficult after yesterday’s court ruling.

At the insistence of the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals, a U.S. District judge increased the sentence of Ahmed Omar Abu Ali, an Al Qaeda operative who was convicted for plotting to assassinate President Bush, from 30 years to life. It turns out that Ali was the valedictorian of his 1999 class at the Islamic Saudi Academy in Fairfax County. So much for teaching peace and tolerance! These schools are fueling the very ideas that made terrorists fly planes into the twin towers! Meanwhile, residents are doing everything they can to stop the plans, even forming an official coalition. The request to expand the Academy is so unpopular in Falls Church, Virginia that 46 people have asked to speak at an upcoming hearing.

In a New York Times article earlier this summer, the head of the group, James Lafferty, said, “We feel that it is really a madrassa, a training place for young impressionable Muslim students in some of the most extreme and fanatical teachings of Islam. That concerns us greatly.” And it should concern all of us who don’t want to experience another 9-11 before our government takes this home-grown extremism seriously.

I’m getting tired of this … time to start deporting!


As usual The New York Times passed on the opportunity to publish a great op-ed letter to President Barack Obama from Lou Pritchett, a former vice president of Procter & Gamble. Pritchett worked for that company for 36 years, until his retirement in 1989.

Confirmed by the Internet watchdog Snopes, here’s a sample of what Pritchett wrote:

Dear President Obama:

You are the thirteenth President under whom I have lived and unlike any of the others, you truly scare me. …

You scare me because you have never run a company or met a payroll. …

You scare me because for over half your life you have aligned yourself with radical extremists who hate America and you refuse to publicly denounce these radicals who wish to see America fail.

You scare me because you are a cheerleader for the ‘blame America’ crowd and deliver this message abroad.

You scare me because you want to change America to a European style country where the government sector dominates instead of the private sector.

You scare me because you want to replace our health care system with a government controlled one.

You scare me because you prefer ‘wind mills’ to responsibly capitalizing on our own vast oil, coal and shale reserves. …

You scare me because you have begun to use ‘extortion’ tactics against certain banks and corporations.

You scare me because your own political party shrinks from challenging you on your wild and irresponsible spending proposals. …

You scare me because the media gives you a free pass on everything you do.

You scare me because you demonize and want to silence the Limbaughs, Hannitys, O’Reillys and Becks who offer opposing, conservative points of view.

You scare me because you prefer controlling over governing.

Finally, you scare me because if you serve a second term I will probably not feel safe in writing a similar letter in 8 years.

Lou Pritchett

Thank you, Mr. Pritchett, for your love for America, honesty and willingness to risk your reputation by speaking up to this administration.

Here are some more . . .

President Obama:

You scare me because so many amazing corporate and American leaders, such as Lou Pritchett, are saying you scare them.

You scare me because after you initiate more government borrowing and bailouts than all presidents combined, you then require Congress to follow a system that is “pay-as-you-go.”

You scare me because you really do believe that going into massive amounts of debt can remedy our economy in the long run.

You scare me because your actions don’t reflect the federal governmental constraints and fiscally prudent principles of our Founding Fathers and Constitution.

You scare me because you buy and run the banking, automobile and (soon) health industries with taxpayers’ money but refuse to call it socialism.

You scare me because you claim to be a fighter for minorities and the promises of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness yet do not defend the unborn. What greater minority is there than those in the womb, against whom you already have enacted more pro-abortion laws than anyone since the Roe v. Wade decision?

You scare me because you promise to defend the U.S. against all potential enemies yet pacify those harboring terrorists, fight for the rights of combative detainees, and enable the enemies of Israel.

You scare me because your media team (including the mainstream media) seeks to label as radical or in some way penalize any opposing conservative voices … such as conservative talk show hosts, news agencies, columnists and actors.

You scare me because your media team does not address or diminish in any way your deification before the world, epitomized by the editor of Newsweek who stated on Chris Matthews’ MSNBC show: “In a way, Obama’s standing above the country, above the world. He’s sort of God.” (How much scarier can it get than representative statements like that in a republic that once stood for a balance among political powers and a government “by the people, for the people”?)

You scare me . . . period!


Posted by straight shooter on March 13, 2009 under Economy, Immigration, Political

By the choices we make we define ourselves. We reveal what we believe by what we say. And so, too, do our institutions.

Congress, in writing the $789 billion stimulus bill, revealed that, for all its “Buy American” blather, it does not truly put America first. It does not believe that 10 million jobless Americans, in the country their fathers built, should receive any preference in hiring 12 million to 20 million illegal aliens who broke into this country and owe her no loyalty, allegiance or love … let alone pay any taxes!

Is this an insult to jobless Americans? Sure is! Does this show the lack of patriotism by a lot of our congressmen? You gamble! What other conclusion can one reach after Congress refused to require that employers on construction projects, paid for by U.S. tax dollars in the stimulus bill, verify that their workers are Americans? For that is precisely what Congress did.

The first paragraph of the front-page story in USA Today says it all. “Los Angeles – Tens of thousands of jobs created by the economic stimulus law could end up filled by illegal immigrants, particularly in big states like California where undocumented workers are heavily represented in construction, experts on both sides of the issue say.”

According to the Center for Immigration Studies, illegal aliens will take around 300,000 of the 2 million construction jobs that will be supposedly created by the “stimulus” bill. This figure is based on Census Bureau estimates that 15% of all construction workers are illegal aliens or immigrants who are not authorized to work in the United States.


Posted by straight shooter on February 12, 2009 under Immigration, Political

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All protections for U.S. workers were stripped from the Stimulus Bill tonight. Illegal aliens can be hired at the same rate as usual.

UNBELIEVABLE — Democratic Leadership Requires Stimulus Job Access for Illegal Aliens — IT’S FINAL

By Roy Beck, Wednesday, February 11, 2009, 8:58 PM


House Speaker Pelosi, Senate Majority Leader Reid and the Obama White House were absolutely certain about one thing for the House/Senate negotiating committee on the Stimulus Bill: There was to be no special restriction to keep illegal aliens from getting new jobs created by the bill at a cost of $250,000 to $500,000 each.

The Democratic leadership of our federal government made it clear that there has been no change from eight years of a Republican White House that let the Chamber of Commerce call the shots on immigration.

Pelosi, Reid and Obama gave the U.S. Chamber of Commerce exactly what it wanted – freedom for unscrupulous businesses to continue to hire illegal aliens at the same rate as in the past, and to use the hundreds of billions of Stimulus dollars to do it.

Rep. Calvert (R-Calif.) was the one who inserted E-Verify language into the Stimulus Bill in the House Appropriations Committee. Tonight, he stated the sad betrayal of the American workers. His words take on a partisan tone. As a studiously non-partisan organization, NumbersUSA is uncomfortable when issues are stated in partisan ways. But in this case, there is no question but that the national Democratic leadership sold out the interests of the American working man and woman.

Tonight, behind closed doors with no input from House Republicans, Speaker Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Reid crafted the so-called compromise on the stimulus bill. What we now know is that while billions of American taxpayer dollars are going to be spent, there is no assurance that the jobs created will go to American workers. The two amendments that had been accepted by the House Appropriations Committee were stripped without discussion or debate.

– Rep. Ken Calvert of California

The House of Representatives had included two provisions in its Stimulus bill to make sure that the huge sums of money would create jobs only for legally authorized workers. One provision reauthorized the current voluntary E-Verify program which expires March 6. The other required local government or business receiving stimulus funds to run their new hires through the electronic 99.5%-accurate E-Verify system. There were no publicly stated objections to this.

But the U.S. Senate repeatedly brushed aside Alabama Sen. Sessions‘ efforts to introduce the same protections into its Stimulus bill.

When the House and Senate negotiators sat down, the leader of the House, Rep. Pelosi, tossed aside the will of the Members of the House of Representatives and did the bidding of the most unscrupulous businesses of America.

The American people have repeatedly voiced their support for employment verification and yet we find that once again special interests win out. The one candle in the darkness of this disastrous bill was the reauthorization and requirements to use E-Verify. Now all we are left is a bill that places illegal immigrant interests above those of hard working American families and leaves the bill at the foot of future generations.

– Rep. Calvert

Furthermore, Pelosi, Reid and Obama also demanded the stripping of the one protection that had been included by the Senate.

Sen. Sanders of Vermont and Sen. Grassley of Iowa had gotten unanimous approval in the Senate to include language that bailed-out banks could no longer be allowed to fire American workers and replace them with foreign workers.

Pelosi, Reid and Obama made sure that banks can continue to discriminate against Americans in favor of cheaper more compliant foreign workers.

Friends, this is an injustice that will come to plague the perpetrators as time moves on.

But the extent to which the U.S. Chamber of Commerce can continue to call the shots on using illegal foreign workers and importing additional authorized foreign workers will depend on how hard each of you reading this will work to spread this story in every newspaper, talk show and website.

These closed-door affronts to fair-play and compassion were executed because the leaders believed they will get by with it.

…. because they believe the American people are too tired, too dispirited and too baffled by the complexity of the trillions of dollars of bail-outs to hold their leaders accountable.

I hope you will use our free fax-sending system to make your opinions known.

The negotiated Stimulus Bill is expected to come to a vote in the House and Senate this week and then go to Pres. Obama for his signature by next Monday.

ROY BECK is Founder & CEO of NumbersUSA

P.S. As you write your comments, please try to stay civil. It will be difficult because you will be so angry. But what we all need to hear is quick stories of what you have done to spread this tale of betrayal to others. Let’s be inspired to greater action by each other’s deeds large and small.

Go to the NumbersUSA home page to read my full blog and our news stories about this incredible betrayal of the American worker.

Our Action Buffet Team will be putting up new action notes on your corkboards for several more hours tonight. If you read this before Thursday morning, know that not everything is posted yet.

NumbersUSA – relies upon individuals like you to reach its goal of an environmentally sustainable and economically just America.

Time is running short to avert a major disaster for our country. That disaster’s name is President Barack Obama. But this disaster can be averted – even though the slanted media are overstating Obama’s inevitability.

The stakes have never been higher for the future of the country. We will either patriotically turn the country over to a man who has proudly served his nation in war time and peace – or we face electing a man who has a checkered past, a man who has counted domestic terrorists among his friends, and a man who spent 15 years in a church where his pastor regularly damned and condemned the United States.

Barack Obama is not simply a risky choice as our next president – he is a dangerous one.

The latest reports show Obama outspending McCain by 3-to-1 in key states. Millions of dubious new voters with the help of groups like ACORN are being registered to put a socialist in the White House.

In the closing weeks of this election, Obama is trying to remake himself as a moderate to win over lower-income, white, Democratic and independent voters. He wants to hide the facts about his record. He is the most extreme liberal ever to be nominated by a major party. Remember his 100% liberal rating in Congress, his support for the total gun ban in Washington, D.C., his opposition to protecting babies born alive, and his support for tax increases.

He also supports giving illegal aliens driver’s licenses and almost all Americans agree that Illegal aliens should not be given driver’s licenses.

Did you know that Mohamed Atta, the 9/11 ring leader, had a valid Florida driver’s license? Did you know 13 of the 19 hijackers had obtained valid driver’s licenses? Armed with these licenses, eight of the hijackers even registered to vote – and they were illegal. What about the 20 million illegal aliens in America right now? How many of them will vote anyway?

Obama strongly supports giving illegal aliens in America driver’s licenses. Even Hillary Clinton backed away from Obama’s radical driver’s license plan. Obama’s position is not a new one. Obama has been a major proponent of driver’s licenses for illegals since his days as an Illinois state senator. There is no doubt that Obama will also champion this radical plan.

With Osama bin Laden still at large, with al-Qaida promising “spectacular” attacks on the U.S homeland, with the threat of them using weapons of mass destruction against our cities – biological, chemical, and nuclear – can we risk putting such a man in the Oval Office?

Doesn’t he remember what happened on 9/11? More than 3,000 Americans were murdered. Or, does he just not care?

You can prevent that from happening just by the way you vote.

You don’t realize how much he is missed until you read and remember some of the stuff he said … and stood for!

‘Here’s my strategy on the Cold War: We win, they lose.’ – Ronald Reagan

‘The most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government and I’m here to help.’ – Ronald Reagan

‘The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they’re ignorant; it’s just that they know so much that isn’t so.’ – Ronald Reagan

‘Of the four wars in my lifetime, none came about because the U.S. was too strong.’ – Ronald Reagan

‘I have wondered at times about what the Ten Commandments would have looked like if Moses had run them through the U.S. Congress.’ – Ronald Reagan

‘The taxpayer: That’s someone who works for the federal government but doesn’t have to take the civil service examination.’ – Ronald Reagan

‘Government is like a baby: An alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no sense of responsibility at the other.’ – Ronald Reagan

‘The nearest thing to eternal life we will ever see on this earth is a government program.’ – Ronald Reagan

‘It has been said that politics is the second oldest profession. I have learned that it bears a striking resemblance to the first.’ – Ronald Reagan

‘Government’s view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it.’ – Ronald Reagan

‘Politics is not a bad profession.  If you succeed, there are many rewards; if you disgrace yourself, you can always write a book.’ – Ronald Reagan

‘No arsenal, or no weapon in the arsenals of the world, is as formidable as the will and moral courage of free men and women.’ – Ronald Reagan

‘If we ever forget that we’re one nation under God, then we will be a nation gone under >- Ronald Reagan