Posted by straight shooter on July 30, 2009 under Economy, General, Health Care, Immigration, PoliticalThe ranking Republican on the House Subcommittee on Immigration says Democrats have refused to pass an amendment that would prevent illegal aliens from being covered in the Obama healthcare plan.
Democrats recently defeated a Republican-backed amendment offered by Rep. Dean Heller (R-Nevada) that would have prevented illegal immigrants from receiving government-subsidized healthcare under the proposed plan backed by House Democrats and President Obama.
Congressman Steve King (R-Iowa), the ranking member on the House Immigration Subcommittee, finds it outrageous that Democrats want to force hardworking Americans to foot the healthcare bill for those who are in the country illegally, complete with all the pre-existing conditions that would require treatment.
“The Democrats will not even allow an amendment to be debated on the subject matter. They have shut down the debate process here, and they have pushed any discussion – however minimal it is – up to the secret room up in the Rules Committee. They’re not going to debate it,” he points out. “They are determined to fund health insurance and healthcare for illegals – and the number turns out to be 5.6 million that would be insured under this bill. [Those are] Congressional Budget Office numbers.” That is even a low ball estimate as it is pushing 20 million from other reports.