Posted by straight shooter on November 3, 2008 under Political, Social Concerns, Theological ConcernsBeyond any shadow of a doubt, it is the duty and responsibility of every Christian to vote and to vote for leaders who promote Christian principles. Following and promoting Christian principles are God’s will.
We are also commanded to pray for our leaders in 1 Timothy 2:1-4.
In terms of politics and leadership, there is evidence in Scripture that God has been displeased with people’s choices of leadership at times (Hosea 8:4). The evidence of sin’s grip on this world is everywhere. So much of the suffering on earth is because of godless leadership (Proverbs 28:12). Scripture gives Christians instructions to obey legitimate authority unless it contradicts the Lord’s commands (Acts 5:27-29, Romans 13:1-7). As born again believers, we are to strive to choose leaders who will be themselves led by our Creator (1 Samuel 12:13-25). Candidates or proposals that violate the Bible’s commands for life, family, marriage, or faith should never be supported (Proverbs 14:34)! Christians should vote as led through prayer and study of both God’s Word and the realities of the choices on the ballot.
Christians in many countries in this world are oppressed and persecuted. They suffer under governments they are powerless to change … governments that hate their faith and silence their voices. (This will happen to us too if we allow ungodly people to rule over us.) These believers preach the gospel of Jesus Christ at risk of their own death. Many are killed so that others may benefit from the love of God. U.S. Christians have been blessed with the right to speak about and choose their leaders without fearing for themselves or their families … so far. In the 2000 and 2004 presidential elections, about 2 of every 5 self-professed Christians took that right for granted and didn’t vote while about 1 in 5 didn’t even register to vote. Only 48% to 50% of Christians voted in the 2000 and 2004 elections.
In our day and age, there are many who want to drive the name and message of Christ completely out of the public eye. Voting is an opportunity to promote, protect, and preserve government that is not devoid of godly values. Passing up that opportunity means letting those who would denigrate the name of Christ have their way in changing how we live our lives.
The leaders we elect – or do nothing to remove – have great influence on our freedoms. They can choose to protect our right to worship and spread the Gospel, or they can restrict those rights. They can lead our nation towards righteousness or towards moral disaster. Christians in the United States must stand up and follow our command to fulfill our civic duties (Matthew 22:21).
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Wonderful, but known =)