Truth is the beginning of wisdom…

During this “Sanctity of Life” month while we remembered the nearly 50 million unborn Americans whose lives have been sacrificed on the altar of “choice,” the White House has not only invigorated the culture of death by its actions at home in America, but abroad as well as this administration is determined to spread it worldwide by putting this death back into U.S. foreign policy. According to his aides, President Obama had planned to commemorate the Roe v. Wade ruling by issuing an executive order forcing taxpayers to promote overseas abortions.

Exporting AbortionObama delivered on his promise of taxpayer-funded promotion of abortion. The order overturning the “Mexico City Policy” was signed unleashing millions of federal dollars to international abortion groups. Of course, it was no accident that the new president postponed the act until the last possible minute on Friday, knowing the repeal would be buried in the weekend headlines of the liberal media.

The Mexico City Policy, which has long protected American citizens from subsidizing international “family planning” groups that promote abortion, is now a thing of the past. The end of “Mexico City” is nothing less than a tragedy for the world’s poor.

Ironic enough at the same time Obama planned to sign a series of anti-interrogation orders to eliminate torture of terrorists. How could he eliminate torture for terrorists while in the same breath demanding that we export the torture of the unborn?

Planned Parenthood has now become Planet Parenthood.

Isn’t there something better America could export?