Posted by straight shooter on March 21, 2008 under PoliticalWhile we find ourselves in the midst of the election season, there is an issue that needs to be implemented that will have a profound impact on this and future elections. It is simply to produce a photo ID to the election officials before you can vote.
The Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in a case out of Indiana that required potential voters to present a photo ID in order to prove their identity before they can vote. One would think this would hardly be a contentious issue. You need to provide an ID to cash a check. You need an ID to board an airplane or rent a car. In fact, often you need to provide an ID with your credit card. So you would think that requiring an ID before you vote in an election would not be contentious.
If you thought that, you would be wrong. Columnist Cal Thomas quotes from a recent Washington Post article in which an election-law expert at Loyola Law School said that the court’s decision will decide “whether protecting the integrity of the voting process from fraud is of equal or greater value than making sure as many eligible voters as possible take part in the process.” What?
In other words we may have to allow voter fraud in order to assure that as many people as possible can vote … whether they are eligible or not!. (Did anyone forget that there are up to 20 million, or more, illegal aliens in America?)
While that sounds noble, you have to remember that we are already facing major problems with voter fraud. Four years ago, John Fund with the Wall Street Journal wrote the important book, Stealing Elections. Just in the last four years, we have had enough new examples that he could publish a second volume to that book.
Try getting on an airplane without a photo ID. Try checking a check without a photo ID. In fact, call your credit card company and then refuse to answer the questions they ask to confirm your identity. I would like to see how far you get. But go into a polling place and you can probably pick up a ballot with very few questions asked.
We will see how the Supreme Court rules in this case. (Another good reason for conservative judges … but that’s for another time.) It would be nice of them to decide to protect the integrity of the voting process – not just let anyone who has two legs and a heartbeat to vote … and then even some to vote multiple times.
Has that happened before? Naw, couldn’t have!
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Excellent Blog. I’ve been reading along and just wanted to say hi. I will be reading more of your posts in the future.
– Jason.